
Contributions are welcome, and they are greatly appreciated! Every little bit helps, and you always earn credits.

You can contribute on the code side in many ways:

  • submit feedback,

  • add new features,

  • report bugs,

  • fix bugs,

  • implement a new cluster/cloud computation backend,

  • write documentation


Linting and pre-commit#

For every code contribution you should run pre-commit. This will lint, format and check your code contributions against our guidelines (e.g. we use Black as code style and aim for REUSE compliance):

  1. Installation conda install -c conda-forge pre-commit or pip install pre-commit

  2. Usage:

  • To automatically activate pre-commit on every git commit: Run pre-commit install

  • To manually run it: pre-commit run --all


Add a new test if you want to contribute new functionality to the config. We perform currently multiple integration tests which means various workflows need to work. All test configs are build by updating the config.tutorial.yaml with the configs in pypysa-earth/test/*.yaml.

  • You can test your contribution locally with snakemake --cores 4 run_tests. This will build test configs and executes them.

  • Run snakemake -j1 build_test_configs to build and analyse locally the test configs.

To contribute a test:

  1. Provide a new test in test/<new test>.yaml, or adjust one of the existing ones. These tests update the config.tutorial.yaml to test other options e.g. landlock countries.

  2. Add a new test config path to the rule build_all_test in the Snakefile.

  3. If your functionality should be tested in the CI for every pull request, add a respective code in .github/workflows/ci-linux.yaml. We test all functionalities only for Linux while providing a general test for windows and mac.


Performance profiling is important to understand bottlenecks and the accordingly optimize the speed in PyPSA-Earth. We use the Python built-in cProfiler, custom decorators on single functions and analysis tools like snakeviz. See a detailed example in this discussion #557.


To create the documentation locally, you need Sphinx . It can be installed using specifications from doc/requirements.txt. First, we recommend creating a fresh conda environment and activate it:

.../pypsa-earth % conda create --name pypsa-earth-docs python

.../pypsa-earth % conda activate pypsa-earth-docs

Next, install the packages specified in doc/requirements.txt using pip:

.../pypsa-earth % pip install -r doc/requirements.txt

Once installation is completed, the following commands allow you to create the documentation locally:

.../pypsa-earth (pypsa-earth-docs) % cd doc

.../pypsa-earth/doc (pypsa-earth-docs) % make html

This will create html files in pypsa-earth/doc/_build/html. VScode provides a so called Liveserver extension such that the html file can be opened locally on your computer.


Windows users might face some challenges when building the documentation locally using make. A workaround can be found, but might be time consuming. For instance:

  1. If using Windows PowerShell, one might need to replace the command make html above by ./make html. For more details on what is going on, see this post on Stack Overflow.


The documentation is built automatically by the CI for every pull request. The documentation is hosted on ReadTheDocs. For more information on our documentation infrastructure and syntax tips, see this page.


Instead of contributing code there are alternatives to support the PyPSA-Earth goals. You can fund projects, supervise people, support us with outreach activities or events. Check out our website for more details.

Join us and get involved#

Any person/ group is welcome to join us. Be it research leader, researcher, undergraduate, or industry professional. A simple way to explore opportunities for collaboration is to join our meetings. All of them are OPEN.